Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dragon age 2: All Characters survive?

I've played through the game twice now but I still can't manage to keep Hawke's mother alive. I haven't taken my siblings into the deep roads because they tend to die... Is there a way to avoid both deaths? Please I would like to Finish the game with a "happy" ending.Dragon age 2: All Characters survive?
The mother always dies.

There are three possible endings in the sibling story.

1. The sibling dies in the Deep Roads if Anders isn't there with you.
2. The sibling has the darkspawn taint but if Anders is there the sibling joins the Grey Wardens and leaves the party.
3. The sibling stays home. Carver becomes a templar and leaves the party, Bethany joins the Cirlce of Magi and leaves the party.

So you always lose your sibling after the Deep Roads.Dragon age 2: All Characters survive?
Hawke's mom always dies, there is no avoiding it. But, you can save your sibling in the deep roads if you have Anders in your party. He will help you find a group of Grey Wardens and your sibling will join them.Dragon age 2: All Characters survive?
You can't save Hawke's mother. It's part of the story.

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